Supporting Worcester County Residents Through Mental and Behavioral Health Services

Behavioral and mental health crises are personal and challenging events in one’s life and can sometimes feel incredibly isolating. While it can be difficult to know where to turn, you deserve to feel supported.

At The Santé Group Eastern Shore, we understand that each crisis is unique, defined by the person as an individual and not the mental health challenge that they are facing. Our experienced and compassionate team of professional phone counselors focuses on each individual’s health and is trained to provide crisis counseling and information about community resources available to residents of Worcester County.

You shouldn’t have to walk alone. We are here to help.




Crisis Hotline

If you or someone you love is experiencing a behavioral or mental crisis, our crisis hotline can provide immediate aid 24/7. Our team of compassionate counselors and therapists is dedicated to helping prevent suicides and reducing dangerous situations so that individuals can access the community resources they need to achieve recovery.


Anyone suffering a behavioral or mental health challenge


24 Hours/7 Days A Week

We are here for you 24/7